What next?

Discuss the future of LMS and the Squeezebox line.
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What next?

Post by Morbeas »

As we all know, the Squeezebox line is no more. I wanted to start a thread where we can all talk about where we might go next.

The UE line is junk if you ask me since it's software forces you to use their online service. Same goes for Sonos.

Have any of you looked into replacing the SB line with another product? What are your thoughts. Plus and minuses of the competition?
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Re: What next?

Post by musoware »

I'm not shifting. I managed to find a NEW squeezebox classic (well, never used) on ebay and snapped that up, I prefer it to the Touch (which I have as well) and I'll keep it as backup in case my classic dies - I think the community will live on a good few years yet, and the current LMS release seems to be stable. This will keep me going until something just as good comes along I think.
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Re: What next?

Post by Morbeas »

Yeah, I do agree that the user community will keep it going and viable for a few more years at least.

Why do you prefer the classic? I've only ever used a Touch.
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Re: What next?

Post by musoware »

I prefer the retro display, and the fact that I can configure what is displayed at track level (I do sometimes like to browse via the remote rather than muso, and most of my classical music only has Composer set and this doesn't appear on the Touch). The visualisers seem mush more responsive too. I never quite understood the thinking behind the touch - I only want a touch-sensitive screen if I can sit on the sofa and use it without wires! I do use one on my main system though since the signal path is supposed to be cleaner for output to a DAC, though I haven't performed any switched comparison, I was always happy with the results from the Classic on my main system anyway.
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Re: What next?

Post by Morbeas »

I was just going to mention the "supposed" superior audio capabilities of the Touch.

I do agree 100% regarding the touch interface. :)
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Re: What next?

Post by jazzfan »

Interesting topic.

As you probably know there seems to be a music streamer appearing on the market weekly but I have my doubts about these devices. Almost all of them either do not have any library management features or they use some crappy third party music library application located on a computer somewhere on one's network. Or these devices are simply able to read a file list from a folder located on one's network. In any case none of them appear to provide anything like the music library management functions of LMS/SBS nor the enhanced functionality provided to LMS/SBS via third party plugins and add ons like MUSO or Moose. In fact, as far as I can tell, none of them even have anything like the Squeezebox browser interface.

I did a little research and did see that the Linn line of DS units does have a way to have these units be controlled by Squeezebox Server but I have no idea how well they work with SBS.

Basically until some manufacturer decides to offer a music streamer with decent user interface I will be using my various Squeezebox devices until they die.
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Re: What next?

Post by firedog »

jazzfan wrote:Interesting topic.

As you probably know there seems to be a music streamer appearing on the market weekly but I have my doubts about these devices. Almost all of them either do not have any library management features or they use some crappy third party music library application located on a computer somewhere on one's network. Or these devices are simply able to read a file list from a folder located on one's network. In any case none of them appear to provide anything like the music library management functions of LMS/SBS nor the enhanced functionality provided to LMS/SBS via third party plugins and add ons like MUSO or Moose. In fact, as far as I can tell, none of them even have anything like the Squeezebox browser interface.

I did a little research and did see that the Linn line of DS units does have a way to have these units be controlled by Squeezebox Server but I have no idea how well they work with SBS.

Basically until some manufacturer decides to offer a music streamer with decent user interface I will be using my various Squeezebox devices until they die.
Sonore (sonore.us) and SOtM have both offered servers/streamers designed to replace SB units, and they run LMS software. Basically more capable audio HW (also more expensive than a Touch) without a screen. These days it is assumed you use a phone or tablet for the UI, so no need to put a screen on the streamer/server. I have the SOtM SMS 100 mini-server. In one of it's modes its a direct SB replacement (no screen). I run it with the standard LMS web interface or with iPeng,the official SB app, or Orange Squeeze app. So in use the user experience is exactly like using an SB unit, because it is running the LMS software. This particular model is no longer made, but the two companies have other models that do the same thing.
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Re: What next?

Post by oyvindo »

Just for the record - as you all may know, Logitech Media Server is alive and extremely well - perhaps much more well than it was in the care of Logitech.
It is now being maintained by Michael Herger from Switzerland who is doing a fantastic job with it.
The current release is 7.9.0~1485931015 and the update rate is currently several times pr. month.
You can find out what's going on over at the Slim Forum : http://forums.slimdevices.com/forumdisp ... dia-Server
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Re: What next?

Post by vinylmad »

Just to add to an old thread, in case anyone wasn't already aware, Innuos server/streamers have LMS (currently build 7.9.2) built-in. I've only just begun trialling Muso. Innuos have their own web app, which allows for CD ripping, but library management features are pretty basic. I use Squeeze Ctrl (angrygoat) and/or the LMS web interface, plus my original SB Touch and IR remote, for browsing and playing.

Hope this is of use.
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