Ability to view both front and back cover art

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Ability to view both front and back cover art

Post by steveoat87 »

I would like to be able to show more than one image on the now playing page. Any chance I can simultaneously display both front and back cover art?
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Re: Ability to view both front and back cover art

Post by musoware »

I could probably do that, if you can arrange both to exist as images in the album's folder. Would you expect the two images displayed one above the other in the left panel, and to be able to hover over either one to display larger?
Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:55 pm

Re: Ability to view both front and back cover art

Post by steveoat87 »

That's one possibility. Or you could leave on the left panel space so both images appear. Oops, I realize that this is what you are proposing and thats fine.
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