Is Muso still being developed

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Is Muso still being developed

Post by steveoat87 »


I haven't checked the forum for a number of months and I see there haven't been any posts since January. Is Muso still being developed? If so, why no new posts? And if there are going to be newer versions, what is being planned?
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Re: Is Muso still being developed

Post by musoware »

I'm still supporting it, fixing any bugs that are reported, and willing to consider developing any good feature requests. There haven't been any recent updates because of the lack of those two things, it's been very stable.
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Re: Is Muso still being developed

Post by MDE »

My first post here for a while - why? Well, Muso just works great and doesn't need much further improvement! To my mind the only significant improvement would be a better web app for access from other devices, e.g. iPad, over the LAN. These days I tend to just use LMS Material skin for that, but a Muso app would be better, I'm sure :)
FWIW, I just upgraded my LMS server host to a Raspberry Pi 4 from a Pi 2. The Pi 4 is sooo much faster and doesn't miss a beat even if the CPU is maxed out with other stuff (it is also my NAS for a host of web app developments and backups).
Ed Howarth
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Re: Is Muso still being developed

Post by Ed Howarth »

I agree, it is incredibly stable. I use it with a Minidsp SHD and it's never missed a beat. My flacs are on a separate PC in another room, and once I gave that a static IP address so Muso could always find it, all was perfection.

I must confess to looking into Roon a year back, we can't help ourselves looking for that extra something, can we? But the cost!! And I couldn't see how it gave anything more than what we have with Muso. Its selling point seemed to be its ability to stream to loads of different devices around the house - even phones! No thanks..... :D
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Re: Is Muso still being developed

Post by DuLac »

MDE wrote:My first post here for a while - why? Well, Muso just works great and doesn't need much further improvement! To my mind the only significant improvement would be a better web app for access from other devices, e.g. iPad, over the LAN. These days I tend to just use LMS Material skin for that, but a Muso app would be better, I'm sure :)
FWIW, I just upgraded my LMS server host to a Raspberry Pi 4 from a Pi 2. The Pi 4 is sooo much faster and doesn't miss a beat even if the CPU is maxed out with other stuff (it is also my NAS for a host of web app developments and backups).
I fully second you regarding the web app.
Let me add that I would also welcome having WOL (Wake on Lan) implemented. For ecological reasons I set up my music server to go to sleep after a giving number of minutes of idleness. Ideally when launching Muso the server would also wake up. Squeezelite X does it and Orange Squeeze (Android) does it also.
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Re: Is Muso still being developed

Post by oyvindo »

I would have liked to see a Muso integration for Home Assistant.
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